L’implication de l’inventaire français dans différentes actions européennes (COSTE43, USEWOOD…) a conduit à la publication de nombreux articles relatifs au rapportage et à l’harmonisation des données européennes en termes d’inventaire forestier. La liste ci-dessous recense des articles pour lesquels un ou plusieurs agents de l’inventaire forestier français s’est impliqué.
Publications related to ENFIN
- Cienciala, Emil and Tomppo, Erkki and Snorrason, Arnor and Broadmeadow, Mark and Colin, Antoine and Dunger, Karsten and Exnerova, Zuzana and Lasserre, Bruno and Petersson, Hans and Priwitzer, Tibor and Sanchez Peña, Gerardo and Ståhl, Göran (2008). Preparing emission reporting from forests : use of National Forest Inventories in European countries. Silva fennica, 42(:1), 73-88.
- Vidal, C., Lanz, A., Tomppo, E., Schadauer, K., Gschwantner, T., di Cosmo, L., & Robert, N. (2008). Establishing forest inventory reference definitions for forest and growing stock : a study towards common reporting. Silva Fennica, 42(2), 247-266.
- Gschwantner, T., Schadauer, K., Vidal, C., Lanz, A., Tomppo, E., di Cosmo, L., ... & Lawrence, M. (2009). Common tree definitions for national forest inventories in Europe. Silva Fennica, 43(2), 303-321.
- McRoberts, R. E., Tomppo, E., Schadauer, K., Vidal, C., Ståhl, G., Chirici, G., ... & Smith, W. B. (2009). Harmonizing national forest inventories. Journal of Forestry, 107(4), 179-187.
- McRoberts, R. E., Ståhl, G., Vidal, C., Lawrence, M., Tomppo, E., Schadauer, K., ... & Bastrup-Birk, A. (2010). National forest inventories : prospects for harmonised international reporting. In National Forest Inventories : Pathways for Common Reporting (pp. 33-43). Springer Netherlands.
- McRoberts, R. E., Ståhl, G., Vidal, C., Lawrence, M., Tomppo, E., Schadauer, K., ... & Bastrup-Birk, A. (2010). National forest inventories : prospects for harmonised international reporting. In National Forest Inventories : Pathways for Common Reporting (pp. 33-43). Springer Netherlands.
- Gabler, K., Schadauer, K., Tomppo, E., Vidal, C., Bonhomme, C., McRoberts, R. E., & Gschwantner, T. (2012). An Enquiry on Forest Areas Reported to the Global Forest Resources Assessment—Is Harmonization Needed ? Forest Science, 58(3), 201-213.
- Dunger, K., Petersson, S. H. O., Barreiro, S., Cienciala, E., Colin, A., Hylen, G., ... & Ståhl, G. (2012). Harmonizing greenhouse gas reporting from European forests : Case examples and implications for European Union Level Reporting. Forest Science, 58(3), 248-256.
- Ståhl, G., Cienciala, E., Chirici, G., Lanz, A., Vidal, C., Winter, S., ... & Tomppo, E. (2012). Bridging national and reference definitions for harmonizing forest statistics. Forest Science, 58(3), 214-223.
- Tomter, S. M., Gasparini, P., Gschwantner, T., Hennig, P., Kulbokas, G., Kuliešis, A., Polley, H., Robert, N., Rondeux, J., Tabacchi, G. & Tomppo, E. (2012). Establishing bridging functions for harmonizing growing stock estimates : examples from European National Forest Inventories. Forest Science, 58(3), 224-235.
- Alberdi,I., Michalak,R., Fischer,C., Gasparini,P., Brändli, U-B., Tomter,S-M., Kuliesis,A., Snorrason,A., Redmond,J., Hernández,L., Lanz,A., Vidondo,B., Stoyanov,N., Stoyanova,M., Vestman,M., Barreiro,S., Marin,G., Cañellas,I., Vidal,C., Towards harmonized assessment of European forest availability for wood supply in Europe, Sep 2016 ELSEVIER, pp 20-29.
- Alberdi,I., Michalak,R., Fischer,C., Gasparini,P., Brändli, U-B., Tomter,S-M., Kuliesis,A., Snorrason,A., Redmond,J., Hernández,L., Lanz,A., Vidondo,B., Stoyanov,N., Stoyanova,M., Vestman,M., Barreiro,S., Marin,G., Cañellas,I., Vidal,C., Towards harmonized assessment of European forest availability for wood supply in Europe, Sep 2016 ELSEVIER, pp 20-29.
- Gschwantner,T., Lanz,A., Vidal,C., Bosela,M., Di Cosmo,L., Fridman,J., Gasparini,P., Kuliešis,A., Tomter,S-M., Schadauer,K., Comparison of methods used in European National Forest Inventories for the estimation of volume increment : towards harmonisation, May 2016, Annals of Forest Science, pp 1-15.
- Vidal,C., Alberdi,I., Redmond,J., Vestman,M., Lanz,A., Schadauer,K., The role of European National Forest Inventories for international forestry reporting, Apr 2016, Annals of Forest Science, pp 1-14.
- San-Miguel-Ayanz,J., De Rigo,D., Caudullo,G., Houston Durrant,T., Mauri,A., Tinner,W., Ballian,D., Beck,P., Birks, H. J. B., Eaton,E., [...], Pividori,M., Rinaldi,F., Räty,M., Saura,S., Sikkema,R., Sitzia,T., Strona,G., Vidal,C., Vilar,L., Zecchin,B., European Atlas of Forest Tree Species, Mars 2016, 39 p.
- Tomter S. M., Gasparini P., Gschwantner T., Hennig P., Kulbokas G., Kuliesis A., Polley H., Robert N., Tabacchi G. and Tomppo E., Establishing bridging functions for growing stock estimates : examples from European National Forest Inventories, Mars 2016, pp 224-235.
- L’IF n°32, Towards harmonized European forest information, IGN septembre 2013, 12 p. http://inventaire-forestier.ign.fr/IMG/pdf/IF_32_EN.pdf.
- L’IF n°22 Harmonisation des données forestières européennes, IGN 2e trimestre 2009, 8 p. http://inventaire-forestier.ign.fr/IMG/pdf/IF22_international_web.pdf.