Consultez les publications du Laboratoire d’Inventaire Forestier (LIF) sur le site du Centre de documentation scientifique : |
Exemples de publications du LIF :
A new small area estimation algorithm to balance between statistical precision and scale, Cédric Vega in International journal of applied Earth observation and geoinformation, vol 97 (May 2021)
Pure and even-aged forestry of fast growing conifers under climate change : on the need of a silvicultural paradigm shift, Clémentine Ols in Environmental Research Letters, vol 16 n°2 (February 2021)
Unprecedented pluri-decennial increase in the growing stock of French forests is persistent and dominated by private broadleaved forests, Jean-Daniel Bontemps in Annals of Forest Science vol 77 n°4 (December 2020)
Recent growth trends of conifers across Western Europe are controlled by thermal and water constraints and favored by forest heterogeneity, Clémentine Ols in Science of the total environment vol 742 (November 2020)
Ancient forest statistics provide centennial perspective over the status and dynamics of forest area in France, Timothée Audinot in Annals of Forest Science vol 77 n°3 (september 2020).