Distributed, Integrated and Harmonised Forest Information For Bioeconomy Outlooks (DIABOLO)
This EU-funded project gathering 33 partners across Europe started in 2015 and aims at producing better knowledge of forest resources and their ability to sustainably supply forest ecosystem goods and services as required by a broad range of relevant stakeholders.
To learn more about it: DIABOLO in details
Long term expansion of the French forests: causal processes and tools to support Sustainable Forest Management (EXPERT-SFM)
This project started in 2015. It aims at describing and understanding the drivers of long-term forest expansion in the growing stock of French forests over the 20th century, resulting from forest transition. It will rely on historical NFI data, ancient forest statistics, and models of forest macro-dynamics.
To learn more about it: EXPERT-SFM in details
Photogrammetric Canopy Height Models to Enhance forest Resource Assessments (CHM-era)
This project funded by Labex ARBRE is a binational project associating UQAM (Québec), INRA (BEF), and ONF (R&D Nancy), and started early 2017. Its goal is to test the capabilities of photogrammetry to replace ALS (Airborne Laser Scanning) for assessing and mapping forest attributes over large areas.
To learn more about it: CHM-era in details
Multisource Forest Inventory for optimizing forest management strategies in forest landscapes (IFM-GT)
This project funded by ADEME associates ONF (R&D Nancy), NGI (DIRNE) and IDF, and started early 2017. The goals are to develop for the first time in France multisource forest inventory and to test the concept of regional information systems, flexible and updated, as decision support systems for regional optimization of resource management at the regional level.
To learn more about it: IFM-GT in details
Growth of European coniferous forests in a warmer climatic regime (GRECOFOR-CC)
This project funded by Labex ARBRE is a binational project associating BFW (Department of Forest Inventory, Austria), started early 2017. The goals of the project are to assess the recent growth trends of major european coniferous species under the unprecedently warm climatic regime of the past 15-20 years, using NFI data.
To learn more about it: GRECOFOR-CC in details
Assessing the wood density of European tree species for biomass stock and increment estimation in the French forests (XyloDensMap)
The project relies on a collaboration between IGN and INRA facilities of X-ray tomography.
The aim of the project is to quantify biomass, monitoring volume increments and wood density using a low cost method, in order to provide a new xylotheque and an original wood density data set.
To learn more about it: XyloDensMap in details