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DIABOLO project

DIABOLO - Distributed, Integrated and Harmonised Forest Information For Bioeconomy Outlooks

This EU-funded project gathering 33 partners across Europe (from 25 different countries) started in 2015. DIABOLO tackles Europe’s social, ecological and economic challenges.

DIABOLO aims at:
 strengthen the methodological framework for more accurate, harmonised and timely information from forest inventories and monitoring systems, to feed into EU information systems,
 support the development of EU policies and international processes relying on consistent forest information,
 make innovative use of field collected data and EC space-based applications of Earth observation and satellite positionning systems.

The specific objectives of DIABOLO are to:
 identify demands for and gaps in the provision of information for different political levels,
 develop new models to produce Europe-wide harmonised forest information, based on NFI and high-resolution remote sensing data and produce a multisource system to provide up-to-date estimates on the state of forest ecosystems,
 analyse the NFIs and improve the availability and quality of forest information and explore the combined use of NFI and Earth observation data to improve methods for delivering indicators on forest spatial patterns and their changes,
 improve forest disturbance monitoring systems at regional, national and European scale using new European satellite data, providing near real-time information on forest disturbance,
 deepen insight into the sustainability of biomass supply and trade-offs between biomass supply and other ecosystem products and services, using the European Forestry Dynamics Model (EFDM) and a global market equilibrium model (GLOBIOM),
 increase the impact of the project outcomes by disseminating results through WP-specific end user panels, regional workshops and an international advisory group.

Thus, it aims at producing better knowledge of forest resources and their ability to sustainably supply forest ecosystem goods and services as required by a broad range of relevant stakeholders.
This knowledge will create new opportunities for an innovative, sustainable and inclusive bio-economy in Europe.

LIF is co-leader of WP2 with BEF lab (INRA), a WP dedicated to harmonizing growing stock, biomass and carbon estimation and forest state monitoring based on field and high-resolution remote sensing data.


(Click here to find out more)