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XyloDensMap project

XyloDensMap - Assessing the wood density of European tree species for biomass stock and increment estimation in the French forests

The project is led by Jean-Michel Leban (INRA) and relies on collaboration between NGI and INRA facilities of X-ray tomography.

In the context of climatic change an increasing attention is paid to the ability of forests to store more carbon as increasing carbon sequestration by forests is equivalent to reducing emissions of the release of carbon to the atmosphere.

The objectives of this project are:
 to measure the wood density variations on all the thirty thousand trees measured during one year by the technicians of the French National Forest Inventory,
 using a new low cost method for the processing of all the collected increment cores,
 in order to provide a new xylotheque and an original wood density data set for all the French tree species measured by the National Forest Inventory.

This XyloDensMap project will at terms present a methodology for the measurement proxy of the annual forest biomass increments and allow to analyze the biomass increments in relation with the forests stand structure and with the geographical climatic conditions.


(Click here to find out more)