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The forest online Online tables

Online tables

The French NGI has created online program giving anybody pieces of information about the French forest, by building personalized queries.

This program allows you to get inventory results that you did not find in our publications.

Get to personalized tables

Two inventory methods (former and new) are available:

  • The former method was made on department inventories (until 2004) and gives only results on departments.
  • The new method, done every year and at a national scale, is available since 2004. It produces results from the addition of 5 inventory campaigns (i.e. 2016-2020).

You can find information about the surface area, the living wood stock volume, the annual forest increment, the forest harvesting and mortality. Some of these results can be distributed by species, conditions of exploitability, class of property or several ecological factors.

The results can also be distributed according to different territorial subdivisions (administrative or ecological). For example, this allows the user to get the full results for the French 13 administrative regions.


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