The DataIFN tool provides access to data from the National Forest Inventory field campaigns in a user-friendly and interactive way

I select the information that I wish to mobilize, by ticking the desired data.

I visualize the result of my search through a map output.
The points that are displayed correspond to the inventory points meeting the selected criteria.

If desired, I can download the data files corresponding to my search.
To download only the documentation
To download the full set of raw data since 2005
To download the data from the last campaign
Last data update : 10/10/2024
Warning :
- The geographical coordinates provided are those of the sampling node (the exact coordinates of the sampling plot are located at a maximum of 700 m from this node)
- Since the statistical weight of each sample plot is not provided, these data cannot under any circumstances be used for the production of inventory results, whatever the scale used (international, national, regional or departmental, etc.) . The official statistical results of the French national forest inventory are only those disseminated by the IGN. You can generate these results here.
The raw data comes from databases containing information collected in the field by the IGN teams. These data underwent numerous checks before being integrated into the IGN operating database. By express agreement, in all cases, no tacit or implicit guarantee is granted by IGN, whether for direct or indirect, commercial or financial damage or for any other cause resulting from the use of the data.

The data and their documentation are the intellectual property of IGN.
They can be downloaded free of charge and reused without payment of royalties according to the Open License / Open License Etalab Version 2.0.
Before any downloading and use of its data, IGN encourages users to read the content of this license and to respect it.
Users of National Forest Inventory data are required to cite the source of the data as follows : "IGN – French National Forest Inventory, Raw data, Annual campaigns 2005 and following,, site consulted on XX/XX/20XX"
in any works, articles, publications, etc. resulting from the use of this data